I beg to differ with many scholars and religious philosophers. Seriously. There is a lot of art when it comes to sex. In fact, I would argue that sex is not much different from dancing.
It’s very easy to gush and wax eloquent about finely executed ballet moves and amazing choreography on Broadway shows. This is the common face of musical talent as well as dance choreography. We’re all beside ourselves on how a modern dance is so mind blowing.
Well, fucking, or put more politely, sexual intercourse, is a form of dance. You have to move your body and you have to move your body in such a way that it provokes a reaction. In fact, I would argue that this is a more honest form of dance because the reaction is so immediate and so palpable.
It’s very easy to detect whether somebody is perceiving you positively or negatively. There’s no lying in the way people move their bodies and the electricity they create when they’re between the sheets. If you want to become a better lover and you want to be banging single milfs the right way so they can call you again and again, you need to look at the whole sex act as an art form.
How can you learn from the arts when it comes to fucking? First of all, it’s all about perception. You have to create an emotional bond, at least regarding the sex act with your partner. She has to be there. She not only has to possess the same physical space as you, she also has to occupy the same emotional space.
Second, you need to create electricity. This is where a sense of imminence and urgency is required. If you are able to produce both effects, then the sex rises from just a biological act to the highest art form.